School Code : UP UP007
9012999972 (Sr. Wing)
7451890187 (Pr. Wing)

Fee Rules

  • 01
    There will be proportionate increment in the fees every year due to hike in prices and wages.
  • 02
    All kinds of payments are done only through banks. No cash payment or cheque is accepted in the school.
  • 03
    Parents should retain the receipts issued to them, and produce them as proof of payment as and when required.
  • 04
    The fees must be paid for the months in which the pupils name is carried on in the attendance register, even if he/she has been absent or withdrawn.
  • 05
    The fees may be paid in advance for the whole year or for a quarter. If not paid in advance, the fees of the running quarter will have to be paid before 20 of the first month of that quarter after which a fine of Rs 150/-will be levied for late payment till the end of the quarter. If the fee of a previous quarter is not paid, in the subsequent quarters a fine of Rs. 300/- per quarter will be charged, till the dues are cleared.
  • 06
    Students whose fees fall into arrears are liable to be debarred from taking the exams and attending school: neither their Report Cards nor Transfer Certificates will be issued till all accounts are fully settled.
  • 07
    The fees for the vacation months are to be paid in advance No reduction in fees is made on account of Summer and Winter holidays or other vacations or temporary absence.
  • 08
    No concession in fees in the name of two or more children coming from the same family.
  • 09
    Concession in fees is only for economically weak students. All such fee concessions will be withdrawn if the pupil does not satisfy the school authorities with his/her regular attendance, good conduct and satisfactory progress in studies
  • 10
    School fees are calculated for a twelve-month cycle
  • 11
    All certificates other than TC and Migration Certificate can be had for Rs.30 per certificate